Blog posts by RF is a blog written by Rafinka, Early Childhood professional who's passion is not only for children but the beauty world such as makeup , skin care etc.

Saturday 30 April 2016

April 2016 Favorites!

This month flew by so quickly with the travelling that I did and revising for exams. As usual, my monthly favorites is not only beauty/makeup related but also other miscellaneous things that I love from that month.

Yogyakarta travels with Bella

I get to travel with my best friend for the first time and it was crazy amazing. Yogyakarta is a city full of wonders. We were there for a week and it wasn't enough for sure. Here is some of the pictures that I took while I was in Yogyakarta with Bella.

Taman Sari - Yogyakarta

Goa Pindul - Yogyakarta

And the amazing Indo food!



Oh god, nothing beats Indonesian food.

Too faced Chocolate Bon Bons palette

This palette is everything! I've been wanting to get a new eye palette for months now to replace my Urban Decay Naked basic palette. I was contemplating between the Tartelette in bloom or Too Faced Chocolate Bon Bons palette. Obviously I settled down with the Too Faced Chocolate Bon Bons palette. The packaging is too cute and the chocolate smell! OH MY GOD.

Here is the swatches of the colours that I use the most. This is with only one swipe on the eyeshadow.

Starting from the top it's

  • Molasses Chip
  • Mocha
  • Satin Sheets
  • Dark Truffle
  • Bordeaux
  • Sprinkles
You can definitely use Satin Sheets as a highlighter, I've done it before. They are super pigmented. I would recommend this for sure! 

Price: RM199

False Lashes

I've been using false lashes almost everyday and realised what a difference it makes for my makeup look. I started using them when I was in Indonesia just trying it out and I've been loving it ever since. 

These are the one I bought from Indonesia

I totally forgot how much they are but I'm pretty sure that they are under RM10! They don't last very long though, I'd say around 3 times use.

This is my favorite eyelash from Daiso and it's only RM5.30! This doesn't come with an eyelash glue. I bought my eyelash glue from Indonesia. 

Korean Dramas

I'm not sure why I just started watching Korean drama because it's amazing! The first drama that I watched is Angel Eyes and it had me weepin every episode. Literally every episode I was bawlin my eyes out. 

It's so sweet yet heart breaking and also frustrating to watch. I'm currently watching The Heirs and it's pretty exciting to watch. Do you have any korean drama recommendation? Do let me know!

First ever published article

This means a lot to me since it is the first article that I wrote for a company and earn from it. I'm so proud of myself for this. It may seem simple but I'm so proud!

Well that's all there is of my April Favorites!



  1. In the action/suspense genre, check out Iris: My 1st kdrama and probably my still favorite.

  2. Oh wow! Thank you for being the first to comment on my blog and thank you for the suggestion. I'll check it out :)


About me

About me
Rafinka, an Early Childhood professional where makeup is a passion and junk food eating is a hobby

Thank you!

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